And Yarns

Monsieur Molloy a été rétrogradé

March 17 2024

Monsieur Molloy a été rétrogradé
A note from Mr. Swift

While I always applaud our staff’s ingenuity and creative ideas here at ELVIS SWIFT Dry Goods & Supply, there are limits. I want to address a recent posting here on our Essays and Yarns. You may have seen ‘Écran d’urinoir Numéro 2’ and wondered if Mr. Molloy could slip this one past me because of the French wording or if I’d catch it and fire him. First, I like the French title, but that’s about as far as it goes. We are, after all, a ‘Dry Goods’ company. DRY goods. So promoting us in this fashion – a wet location – not to mention the type of wetness seems wholly out of place. And the exposure is way too gender-specific. This effort is the second urinal screen Jack has contracted and distributed to advertise our store and products. Apparently, as he travels the U.S. procuring supplies and visiting vendors, he has placed these in various businesses’ bathroom urinals nationwide. If you encounter one of the screens, please retrieve and return to us promptly.

Attn: ART Department
ELVIS SWIFT Dry Goods & Supply
2371 Linwood Ave, Room 109
Naples, FL 34112

‘Monsieur’ Molloy is placed on leave temporarily, and if and when he may come back to work, we’ll let you know.

Quote of the Week

November 6 2023

“And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.”


Power to the People – Progress Report

July 28 2023

Every so often, we like to peer into the particular details of U.S. power generation and statistics, here are the current numbers:

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?

In 2022, about 4,243 billion kilowatthours (kWh) (or about 4.24 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States.1 About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases. About 18% was from nuclear energy, and about 22% was from renewable energy sources.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that an additional 58 billion kWh of electricity generation was from small-scale solar photovoltaic systems in 2022.2

U.S. utility-scale electricity generation by source, amount, and share of total in 20221
Data as of February 2023

Energy source Billion kWh Share of total
Total – all sources 4,243
Fossil fuels (total) 2,554 60.2%
Natural gas 1,689 39.8%
Coal 828 19.5%
Petroleum (total) 23 0.6%
Petroleum liquids 16 0.4%
Petroleum coke 7 0.2%
Other gases3 12 0.3%
Nuclear 772 18.2%
Renewables (total) 913 21.5%
Wind 435 10.2%
Hydropower 262 6.2%
Solar (total) 146 3.4%
Photovoltaic 143 3.4%
Solar thermal 3 0.1%
Biomass (total) 53 1.3%
Wood 37 0.9%
Landfill gas 9 0.2%
Municipal solid waste (biogenic) 6 0.1%
Other biomass waste 2 0.1%
Geothermal 17 0.4%
Pumped storage hydropower4 -6 -0.1%
Other sources5 11 0.3%

