Archive | Stuff

We are not sleeping

We are not sleeping on the job here at ELVIS SWIFT Dry Good & Supply.

Our store is temporarily closed since we are on a sourcing junket in Southern California. If you know where to look for it, it can be found. Come to think of it; this should be the Quote of the week. Scouring the crevices and corners hidden and elusive, one can find a treasure trove of exciting things.

Our first find pictured is a spool of vintage cotton drawcord. 288 yards. This cording is perfect for one of our newly designed products, the ‘Useful Drawstring Bag”. A fellow recently asked me when showing him a prototype of the UDB (Useful Drawstring Bag), ‘Who’s going to want one of those?’. My answer was that I wasn’t sure, but James Brown sang ‘Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag‘.

Everyone needs a brand new bag.

The Artist’s Lament

The Artist’s Lament
by Elvis Swift

To watch the world at large
And shade it as you see it
Then scribble down your thoughts
Determined to not give a whit

Draw the thing that’s in the mind
Quickly sketch an image
Think a thing then pen it right
Resolve on paper said visage

Paint ideas when fully formed
Round to somewhat clarity
Fashion lines to show the sight
Displayed with righteous verity

With lofted noble goals
The work now takes its shape
No thought of critics words
Some might love while others hate

Or simply decorate a room
With colors bright and gay
To make a living from the art
And ply your craft another day

Songwriter Showcase

Girl With Guitar
By Gary Krainak

Standing as still as a statue
In front of the microphone
You swear that she’s staring right at you
And singing to you all alone
Just like that old Mona Lisa
Her smile does some secret conceal
But she isn’t in no museum
That Girl With Guitar is for real

Strumming that six string that lays crossed her breast
The Girl With Guitar swings the fringe on her vest
Tugging your heartstrings with every bar
No picture so pretty as a Girl With Guitar

A beauty no artist could render
As she steps into the spotlight
And cranks up the amp on her Fender
And plays it with all of her might
Strumming so free and so gaily
While wearing that big cowboy hat
No banjo or ukulele
Could ever look so cool as that

Some men have themselves believing
That she can be had for a price
Oh what a web they are weaving
Inside of their fool’s paradise
They try to buy her affection
But none have succeeded so far
To add to their private collection
That beautiful Girl With Guitar

©2017 Gary Krainak