
You know it’s going to happen. Yes, when you least expect it, calamity shows up. It only takes a moment of time. Everything is going perfectly and the next minute, WHAM! trouble. I’d just gotten off of a telephone conversation and set the phone on the desk, scooted my chair back to get up and make some popcorn and saw the power cable was tangled on the chair leg. I watched the phone drop straight down and smacked flat on the cement floor. Screen shattered and dead as a doornail. Gladly our 1954 Western Electric 302 is still working, so we won’t miss your call, but our Banking, Facebook, Instagram, Internet, LinkedIn, Messenger, Music, Notes, Photos, Pinterest, Sketchbook, Skype, Texting, Tumbler, Twitter, Videos and other social media and various Apps might not be used and updated quite so often now.

I think I’ll put carpet in the office before doing anything else.